Top 5 most Dangerous (Computer) Virus of all the time

A Virus is an scary word in Computer Technology industry because it can do every single thing that won't anyone in their Computer Device. A Dangerous virus can change your healthy computer to dead. A most dangerous virus can corrupt you machine totally just in few seconds.

Due to security issues Antivirus Program appeared to avoiding virus from your healthy running device Computer, Laptop, Tab, Smartphone etc. But some of them are most dangerous viruses in which you cant stop them with your powerful Antivirus Software.

Here is the list of: Top 5 Most Dangerous computer Viruses in the world of all the time

5. Sasser
Sasser was found on 29 April 2004 by its builder Seven Jaschan on his 18th Birthday. He was the German Computer Science Student and arrested after the Sasser Computer worm apply. Microsoft were offered that if some one will inform about Sasser virus maker then Microsoft will pay $250,000. After listening this offer one of Jaschan's friend was informed to Microsoft that Seven Jaschan had created it. Sources said that he had created it before he was 18.
It had effected on Microsoft Operating System Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

4. Code Red
Code Red is an worm computer it had attacked on Microsoft's Internet Information Servers on 15 July 2001. This virus can do Servers Jam, Stop servers. The virus Code Red had made by the Eye Digital Security staff Ryan Permeh and Marc Maiffret. Marc Maiffret and Ryan Permeh named this virus "Code Red" because they were drinking Code-Red Mountain Dew at that time.
The virus Code Red was out on 13 July while 359,000 infected computer were seen on 15 July. It had also effected on "White House" web server because that was also a fixed IP address server and it had attacks on several fixed IP addresses computer servers because it is the Expert in this category.

3. My Doom
Mydoom is an computer virus that had effected on Microsoft Windows on 26 January 2004. It was the fastest-spreading email virus that had breaks the record of other most dangerous viruses. It had effected on email, addresses more then two million computers. The creator of My Doom is unknown but the news was that creator was paid because the worm had consist on few word ''Andy, i am doing my job nothing persona Sorry".

2. Melissa
It had based on Macro virus that had attacked on Microsoft Operating System Windows 26 March 1999. Micro Virus Melissa was created by David L.Smith . It was appeared by using the method of MS world documents latter same method was also used for track the virus. FBI was arrested the author of Melissa and fine $5000. It was affected on documents that were attached with Email.

It had affected on computer by the source of mailing with most lovely word "I LOVE YOU" in which anyone won't to avoid it without reading it once. It was written in VBScript and affected on millions of computer from the world with sources it had affected on %10 computer in the world that were connected with Internet.

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